Web Browser Tips & Tricks

The following files are Short movies which demonstrate several tricks about browser use and features

These files are in QuickTime movie format and are rather large.
You will need Quicktime installed.

3:15 - 5:00 PM Wed 9th May 2001
Instructor: Larry Cassis lcassis@fivetowns.net
Computer & Video Technology Teacher @ Camden Hills Regional High School


CopyRight Considerations

Climbing the URL Ladder.mov 2.5MB
Sherlock --built into apple os
Yahoo.com --trees, associated catagories
AskJeeves.com --relational
Altivista.com --boolean
Search How to’s

Saving your Place
Using the Favorites Menu.mov 2.3MB
Using the Favorites Toolbar.mov 1MB
How to Save a FavoritesFile.mov 2.7MB
How to SaveSites to a Desktop Folder.mov 3MB
Recording & Saving Info
Save as (source/html/WebSite)
Copy & Paste
Using NetPrint.mov 3.4MB
Saving Images
Using KeyCap.mov 2.6MB


© A'nother Rainbow's End Production 2001
All Rights Reserved