Digital Cameras & Scanners
for Teachers

3:15 - 5:00 PM Thurs 10 & 17 May 2001

Instructor: Larry Cassis
Computer & Video Technology Teacher @ Camden Hills Regional HS
courses are presented courtesy of SEED
Deborah Barrows : Midcoast Regional Coordinator - SEED
Please visit us online:

Thurs 10 May 2001 Digital Cameras for Teachers
Copyright Considerations

Getting Permission (examples)

Choosing a Digital Camera (hand out)

  • Considerations for class use vs personal use (discussion)

Show & Tell (hands on)

  • got camera(s)
  • ... took pictures
  • do you get there from here (transferring images from camera to computer)
  • ... then what? (computers & software)

Thurs 10 May 2001 Digital Scanners for Teachers
Copyright Considerations (hand out)
Getting Permission (see above)
Show & Tell (hands on)

  • Scanner in the box
  • .... plug it in
  • ... install software
  • considerations & controls
  • place item to be scanned
  • start program
  • set resolution
  • run preview
  • select area to scan
  • save to file--- or into graphics applcation
  • what file type? jpeg, gif, pict, tiff, bmp ...etc
  • A very good web site devoted to just scanning tips by Wayne Fulton

How do you best scan a photo? In this informative, five-part series, we'll show you how easy it really is. Presented by Hewlett-Packard web site for any HP scanner model.

A walk through of How to use our scanners (for windows) presented by Health Sciences Computing Lab - U of Missouri Health Care. Demonstrates use of HP ScanJet.

Resources for Understanding Digital Cameras

The following links are to informative sites on the WWW. I invite you to browse for more information and don't forget to use a search site or sherlock to locate even more info.

  • Find out from the PCPhoto Review web site about the benefits of digital cameras and how other people use them.
    How to buy a digital camera

  • Tips and topics to consider for buying digital cameras presented by the Digital Camera Resource Page web site

  • A FAQ list about the most common questions about digital cameras on the Digital Camera Resource Page web site

  • Search the various digital cameras by price, brand and features, and compare side-by-side from the Digital Camera Resource Page web site

  • If you are in the market for a digital camera, here's the guide you've been looking for. It takes you around and through the digital camera so you know how it works and what its  features are used for. It has hundreds of links to the best sources and products so you can learn even more.offered on the ShortCourses THE digital photography resource web site

  • All great images, digital or otherwise, start by capturing a great photo and capturing great photos requires an understanding of your camera. It's these aspects of digital photography that this on-line book is all about. Offered on the ShortCourses THE digital photography resource web site

  • - dealer of Photo, Digital Photography, Video and Pro Audio equipment at discount prices B&H

Resources for Understanding Digital Scanners

  • Located at the ScanTips web site. A GREAT SITE!
    My name is Wayne Fulton, and the main purpose of these pages is to offer general scanning hints and tips intended to help scanning novices grasp the fundamentals quickly and more clearly, and how to get started doing it. Frankly, these are the pages that I was searching for when I started, but never found. Maybe they can be useful to you now.

  • A comprehensive scanner guide that lets you select various companies and read reviews about various scanner models. Located at ZDNet..
  • An article about How to buy the perfect scanner right now posted on the ZD Net web site

  • An article from the AARP web site on How to Buy a Scanner.